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How to find the Songs of Innocence free Album by U2 in iTunes

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Phase 0

Is it 2014 Oct 14 (Pacific Time) or later? Then you may be out of luck, sorry. The relivant iTunes page said:
Songs of Innocence is available from September 9 (2014) to 11:59 p.p. PDT on October 13 (2014) to iTunes Store customers in the 119 countries featureing a music store, with an active acccount, and who are 13 years of older (or the equivalent minimum age in the relivat jurisdiction).
Oh yes, you have to have an active iTunes account, be in one of the 119 countries with a iTunes music store, be 13 year or older (in most places), etc.

Phase 1

Launch iTunes and do this:

step 1 in donwloading the free U2 album from iTunes

Phase 2

Download the free album:

step 2 in donwloading the free U2 album from iTunes

The album should start to download into your iTunes Library.

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