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xv 3.10a rollup 2001-05-12 patch

This xv 3.10a rollup 2001-05-12 patch is a collection of most of the recommended & optional xv v3.10a patches.

Useful rollup patch links:

NOTE: In order to apply this patch, you must already have libtiff, libjpeg, libpng and zlib. If your vendor did not supply these libraries you may obtain them via:

NOTE: You may find it easier to apply the xv 3.10a rollup 2001-05-12 patch to the original xv 3.10a src.

To apply the rollup patch, (assuming you have libtiff, libjpeg, libpng, and zlib) first test it by:

patch --dry-run -p0 < rollup-2001-05-12.patch

If all looks well then try:

patch -p0 < rollup-2001-05-12.patch

Linux users please note

In addition to the rollup patch, Linux users need to apply the Linux Makefile patch:
patch < Linux-Makefile.patch

The Linux Makefile patch changes CC in the Makefile from just ``cc'' to ``gcc -ansi''.

Special patches

The following patches are found in the xv 3.10a rollup 2001-05-12 patch.

NOTE: If you applied the xv 3.10a rollup 2001-05-12 patch you do NOT need to apply these patches:


This patch is being distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The rollup patch is in the public domain and is NOT copyrighted. That is, use this patch at your own risk.

While I did roll up a number of patches from the xv v3.10a recommended and optional patch set, and while I resolved some of the patch conflicts, and while I added some help for Linux, I did NOT write most of the patch.

I do NOT maintain xv. Please do NOT send me xv bug reports. Send xv bug reports (and fixes) to the xv tech EMail address.

I did NOT write xv. You are welcome to ``Share and Enjoy'' xv and send $25 to John Bradley. :-)

© 1994-2022 Landon Curt Noll
chongo (was here) /\oo/\
$Revision: 8.1 $ $Date: 2022/07/08 00:25:28 $